Neon Genesis Evangelion is a mecha-action anime that highlights the psychological side of each character. To be honest, I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion not because I was interested in the action...
Category: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Short answer: SEELE is a powerful secret organization that controls the politics and financial wealth of every country on Earth. They have that much power because they found the Dead Sea Scrolls....
Short Answer: Out of all the characters that Shinji got close to, the one that he loves is Rei Ayanami. However, he does care for Asuka Sohryu Langley, Misato Katsuragi and Kaworu Nagisa because we...
Short Answer: Rei Ayanami is an Angel. To be more specific, she is both a clone and an angel. One big proof that she's an angel that she can generate her own A.T. Field which is an action that can...
Neon Genesis Evangelion is perhaps one of the most controversial, and intriguing anime to ever emerge from Japan. This timeless mecha action-filled psychological-thriller anime is renowned for its...
Short Answer: Neon Genesis Evangelion is depressing because it portrays a dark theme and also touches on sensitive issues like depression and self-loathing. This show made most of the viewers feel...