Neon Genesis Evangelion is perhaps one of the most controversial, and intriguing anime to ever emerge from Japan. This timeless mecha action-filled psychological-thriller anime is renowned for its...
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Short Answer: Neon Genesis Evangelion is depressing because it portrays a dark theme and also touches on sensitive issues like depression and self-loathing. This show made most of the viewers feel...
Short Answer: Kids, also known as Parasites, are tasked with fighting Klaxosaurs. As such, they usually don’t survive these dangerous fights and die as children. In order to pilot a Franxx,...
Short Answer: Darling in the Franxx is good and worth watching as it features a unique blend of mecha, romance, tragedy, slice of life, and comedy. Although it may not have as much episodes as other...
Short answer: Asuka Langley Soryu is not a clone in the Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion universe. This was known during one of the episodes where Asuka Langley Soryu was shown...
Short Answer: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a popular anime, not only in eastern side but also thewestern side of the world because of its heavy psychological fiction plot as well as its artistic...